Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Charoite: A Crystal for Working with the Past



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Charoite: "Get lost in a state of divine bliss." Common Healing Properties of Charoite: Aids you on your path of spiritual service Stimulates your creative energies Promotes inner reflection Encourages you to have a positive attitude Facilitates protection Promotes compassion and empathy Prompts mystical experiences Aids in spiritual healing Enhances experiences during shamanic journeying Facilitates communication with members of the fairy realm Increases the power of H.A.D.O or water-crystal healing Cleanses your emotional and psychic bodies Encourages deeper states of meditation Induces a feeling of peace and tranquility Colors: Pearlescent purple swirled with lavender and violet.  Sometimes includes translucent milky patches or black streaks. Associated Chakras: 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown) Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces Elements: Air, Water Companion Flowers: Leadplant Companion Essential Oil: