Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystals for Working with the Divine Feminine (An Interview with Emma Mildon)



Today, I am really excited to be interviewing the amazing Emma Mildon. Emma is a millennial mystic, charged with creating a movement of conscious action in the world. She's the author of "The Soul Searcher's Handbook" and "Evolution of Goddess" and she is one of my favorite people to talk to. So, Emma thank you so much for being here today.   Emma Mildon: I love our chats so much! I'm always so excited because something always bubbles to the surface, so I'm so excited to talk to you again. Ashley: And for those who may not be familiar with you and your work yet... Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, your mission and how you got started with all the amazing things that you're doing? Emma: Yeah, of course. So I really started out, spirituality, totally selfishly. I was just wanting to expand and explore it for me. So I'm being totally honest - It was a me, me, me spiritual mission. I did the yoga, I did the meditation, I explored the crystals and then I started traveling. So I read lots of books,