Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Clear Quartz: A Crystal for Amplifying Energy & Intention



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Clear Quartz: "Feel your mind expand with clarity as I help you tune in and become one with the world around you." Common Healing Properties of Clear Quartz: Powerful for energizing the physical and energetic bodies Assists with healing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies Purifies and cleanses the physical and energetic bodies Amplifies your intentions for manifesting and co-creating with the universe Assists you with any kind of spiritual work Promotes mental clarity Amplifies energy in crystal layouts or grids Enhances your inner vision and intuition Balances and aligns the chakra centers Protects you energetically Colors: Clear, Colorless Associated Chakras: All Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo, Aries Elements: Air, Water, Fire Companion Flowers: Trillium Companion Essential Oil: Tea Tree Companion Stone: Lapis Lazuli Common Origins: Madagascar, Brazil, Arkansas (USA), India Not