Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Labradorite: A Crystal for Spiritual Beauty



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Labradorite: "You have the ability to achieve (or exceed!) your life goals by following your soul path and listening to your inner guidance." Common Healing Properties of Labradorite: Enhances protection Dispels negative energies Helps you to form personal boundaries Facilitates past life ascension or regression Assists astral travel Aids you in accessing the Akashic records and other esoteric knowledge Balances the energy of the physical body with the etheric body Increases conscious awareness Facilitates intuitive development and psychic powers Dispels fears Increases faith Strengthens trust Facilitates mystical experiences Stimulates the imagination and creativity Removes illusion Aids in acts of magic Reveals the truth in any situation Connects you with the Divine energy of the universe Brings companionship Treats symptoms of the common cold Relieves arthritis pain Regulates hormones Can lower blood pressure b