Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Stone Shapes for Crystal Healing



When it comes to choosing the right stone shapes for crystal healing, some healers only use crystals in their natural state. Others, like myself, use an assortment of crystal forms.   Crystals that are in their natural state are sometimes referred to as “raw” or “rough” crystals. They are crystals that are used just as they came from the earth, be it terminated points, clusters, geodes, or chunks of massive stones. However for choosing the right stone shapes for crystal healing, I believe that because differences exist in the energetic vibrations of people, a considerate healer should have an assortment of crystal forms to better meet the specific needs of each individual. Rough: These stones often have jagged surfaces. They emit very powerful, direct energy that gets to work quickly and efficiently.  However, these stones may be too harsh for some people, so tumbled or polished stones may be more suitable in this situation. Tumbled: These stones have been put through a process of tumbling with abrasive