Cbd Radio

019: Jan Kasparec



Jan Kasparek… What a beautiful soul. After a rather colourful upbringing and migration to Canada, Jan set his sights on being a painter. After almost being forced to give up his dream, he persisted through and trusted in himself and the universe to help him achieve his goal. He now spends his time creating some of the most beautiful paintings I’ve ever seen and spreading light day to day as he moves about the world. So grateful to have gotten to do this interview as Jan’s been an inspiration to me for many years. He’s one of those guys that brightens a room simply by being in it. And I had a blast digging into his mind a bit and learning about how and why he lives life as he does. Lots of gold in this one! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it! Listen on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1197164343 Show notes: 1:30 ~ What does Jan believe? 3:30 ~ How that belief influences his art. 5:00 ~ Jan’s background - How he came to be doing such beautiful work in the world 10:0