The Science Of Success

Feeling Stuck? This One Question Will Create The Change You Need with Dr. Bernard Roth



In this episode we show you how to solve any problem in your life - using a simple and no risk tool that you can start with right now. We dig into why you get stuck on problems and how we often deceive ourselves. We talk about why reasons are often a ruse and how they can become dangerous once they turn into excuses, and much more with our guest Dr. Bernard Roth. Bernard Roth is the co-founder of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford. He is one of the world’s pioneers in robotics and the primary developer of the concept of the Creativity Workshop. He is the best-selling author of The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life. His work has been featured in FORTUNE, The New York Times, Fast Company, Business Insider, and more!Why do you get stuck in your life?Are you focused on the right problems in your life, or the wrong problems?Reframing problems opens up a tremendous new solution space to your problemEven if you solved the problem that you think you need to s