Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Breathing Love! Meditation in Action with Jennie Lee



Jennie Lee changes how we look at love; from something to be acquired and preserved, to something to be realized and breathed. She believes in living love as an embodied meditation practice, and that this call to love in action is possible no matter what life presents. By making life a meditation of breathing love, not only will you find yourself, but you will find all the love you ever desired. Jennie Lee is the author of Breathing Love: Meditation in Action and True Yoga: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness & Spiritual Fulfillment. She is a certified Yoga Therapist and has been a spiritual lifestyle expert for more than 20 years, helping her clients conquer anxiety, depression, grief and stress, to develop lives of peace and balance. Jennie’s writing has been featured in numerous wellness magazines and blogs and she leads workshops and retreats worldwide. She is available for personal coaching via Skype internationally or in person on the island of Oahu where she makes her home. Find out more