Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Transform Stress Into Success with Chad E. Cooper



Why do some people seem to live the life of their dreams, while others struggle to connect with their passion and achieve at the highest level? Lifestyle coach Chad E. Cooper believes that anyone can achieve what they want, and he'll share strategies to help you get clear and begin the change you desire. Chad E. Cooper is a coach leading a life of example. Retired at 35 years old, he coaches and mentors across several fields in order to inspire others to grasp their dreams and execute with passion. Chad is Owner of Factive Nautics Coaching and a Platinum/Master Coach for the Robbins Research International organization (defined purposeful coaching with clear direction). He is the author of Time Isn't the Problem. You Are. Find out more about Chad and his work at chadecooper.com.