Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Hero's Journey of Healing with Kevin Peer



Get ready to explore a unique and highly integrated mind-body-spirit approach to healing called The Hero's Journey of Healing, developed by Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Kevin Peer. This protocol combines universal myth and personal story with insights from the fields of neurosciences, epigenetics, psycho-biology and psychoneuroimmunology, along with the clinically verified techniques of hypnosis and guided imagery. Kevin Peer works as a Mind-Body Wellness Consultant, assisting people who are suffering from Lyme disease and other chronic illness in two ways: the first is to help them successfully navigate the complexities of their unique path back to wellness; the second is to help them relate to their healing process as a fantastic opportunity for creating changes that can benefit their life, for the rest of their life.