Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Active Peace & Real Solutions to Violence with Scott Brown



Why do we do so much violence to ourselves, to others and to the Earth? Peacemaker and psychologist Scott Brown feels that our belief in separateness is the root cause of this violence. We'll talk about his new book Active Peace, and Scott's commitment to creating a nonviolent world. Scott Brown is a visionary peacemaker who is a leading advocate for bringing the principles and practices of restorative justice to bear on the full range of social issues and transforming activism into peacemaking. He is a life and relationship coach, youth mentor, and trainer who has applied his skills as a restorative justice facilitator and program coordinator, a divorce mediator, a wilderness rites of passage guide, a meditation instructor, and as a mentor to youth both in and out of the criminal justice system. Scott worked for more than 15 years on the front lines of environmental activism as a campaigner with organizations including Greenpeace, the Idaho Conservation League, and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society