Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: You Are Enough with Laurie McCammon



What if suffering isn't an indication of personal deficit, but a symptom of the way we focus on lack while systematically ignoring opportunities for abundance and well-being for ourselves and the planet? Laurie McCammon, author of Enough, believes that we can get to the root cause of scarcity and transform our lives. Laurie McCammon, M.S. has cofounded a number of consciousness-raising organizations, including the Women's Institute of Maine, Imagine the Good Foundation and the World Institute of Social Architecture. Laurie hosts a blog, gives workshops and speeches about the topic of Enough, and will soon be releasing a co-authored companion guidebook to Enough. Laurie has served as a delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women where she has twice presented the Enough message to an international audience. Find out more about Laurie and her work at weareenough.com.