Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Higher Self Connection with Maureen St. Germain



Because we are multi-dimensional beings, we have the ability to create in many different realities. As we continue to evolve, many practices from the past are no longer working. Author, mystic and teacher Maureen St. Germain shares guidance that will help us shape our own path of conscious creation, and become more deeply connected with our Higher Self. Maureen St. Germain is the bestselling author of several books, including Beyond the Flower of Life and Be a Genie. Her writing is featured in the new compilation, Realities of Creation, and her new book Waking Up in 5D will be released this winter. Maureen has been teaching meditation, Higher Self connection, and sacred geometry to audiences worldwide for more than twenty years. She's also written and recorded more than 15 meditation CDs. Known as the "Practical Mystic," Maureen accesses the Akashic Records and is a direct channel to Source. Find out more about Maureen and her work at maureenstgermain.com.