Let's Talk America With Shana Thornton

Education Topic: Standardized Testing In Our Schools



Standardized testing is a reality in the school system.Let's Talk America with Host Shana Thornton takes a close look at the process on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm EST with leading educator Dr. Sharla Benson-Brown. We will highlight the social impact of testing on students, parents, and educators. Our exclusive featured guest will share resourceful methods to improve academic performance. Psychologist and educator Dr. Gerald L. Durley joins Shana to discuss the recent convictions of teachers in the Atlanta Public Schools for inflating scores on standardized tests. This entire show is timely! Every parent and potential parent will want to tune in for one ground-breaking conversation. We offer real news talk for real people! Join us!     *Please support our national sponsors by visiting www.letstalkamericawithshanathornton.com. Thank you!