Thecreators2030 Un Arts Initiative

TheCreators2030 UN Arts Initiative | Episode 2A



Join  Host G. Davvis and J. Logan for TheCreators2030 & SAVOY as we Connect Artists, Innovators, Storytellers, Creative Professionals, Sports, NGOs, Governments with Citizens worldwide to look at the social/global issues of today and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and provide solutions through Art, Innovation and Creativity. Join us this week with Special Guests from the Arts, Branding & Holistic Health.. TOPICS:  Youth, Education, Art, Innovation,United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on Zero Hunger and Health & Well-Being Visit TheCreators2030 (website in creation mode) for more information.  Don't forget to LIKE our Facebook Pages TheCreators2030 (when you LIKE our Facebook Page - don't forget to CLICK "LIKE", CLICK "FOLLOWING" & UNDER "FOLLOWING" ALSO CLICK "SEE FIRST" & UNDER NOTIFICATIONS CLICK "ON")