Thecreators2030 Un Arts Initiative

Listen Give Live | Episode 117



Join Gail Davvis and Jaee Logan for LISTENGIVE/SAVOY Sound bites about music, arts, culture, society, youth, education and giving back. Join us this week with very Special Guests, Tess Henley, Soul Singer/Songwriter (Tess Henley) one of the most prolific artists we know discussing her journey as an artist and her advice to young and old entering the music industry;  and TJ Evarts, CEO of The Inventioneers, and one of the inventors of the SmartWheel (a tool that would prevent distracted driving by helping teens become better drivers), who also appeared on Shark Tank with his co-Founders and shared the SmartWheel with President Barack Obama (SmartWheel).  Visit to learn more information.  Don't forget to LIKE our Facebook Page LISTENGIVE.