Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Digital Marketing & A.I. Magic – Seizing the Advantage



Today’s marketing has shifted from massive, one-pitch-fits-all campaigns to customized marketing based on your individual behavior.  In a previous episode “Hidden Persuaders of A.I. Marketing,” top digital marketing authority William Ammerman told how the drivers of psychotechnology and big data were engineering this more personalized approach. Now host Bart Jackson invites William back to reveal how You and your business can do it. Author of The Invisible Brand, Marketing in the Age of Automation, Big Data, and Machine Learning, Ammerman lays out how this persuasive process is being employed by companies of all sizes. Carrying it further, he details how it may be adopted by religions and nations to wrench our minds and allegiance.  Will machine engendered persuasions be more effective?  Do we still need the human touch?  Will there be a Homo sapiensbacklash? Tune in and learn how cyber-seduction may ethically serve your business and your customer.