Tech Tonics

Tech Tonics: While Designing the Clinic of the Future In New York, Joel Dudley Remains a Cheesehead at Heart



From the frozen tundra of Wisconsin, to the desert of Arizona, to the Eden that is Palo Alto, to his current home in the greatest city on earth, Joel Dudley has followed his interests and instincts to become a pioneer [See the full post…] Related Posts:Tech Tonics: Atul Butte – When it Comes to Data, More is MoreTech Tonics: Zak Kohane On Medicine and ComputersTech Tonics: Amalio Telenti, International Man of (Genetic) MysteryTech Tonics: David Van Sickle, Drummer… Digital Health PioneerTech Tonics: Dorit Donoviel, To Infinity and Beyond