Fatherhood Is Leadership

24: Simple Strategies to Empower Your Journey as a Father



Larry Hagner is an author, speaker, coach, podcaster, and founder of the Good Dad Project. The Good Dad Project is dedicated to helping men become the best version of themselves so they can show up big for their kids. Larry grew up in a fatherless environment for most of his life and when he became a father himself nine years ago he had no idea what to do. All he knew is that he didn't want to fail. He dove into self improvement, worked with coaches and mentors, and created the Good Dad Project to help other men with their struggles. Larry has recently published a book called "The Dad's Edge: 9 Simple Ways to: Unlimited Patience, Improved Relationships, and Positive Lasting Memories." He has also created an online course called "The Dad's Edge: 6 Simple Strategies to Empowering your Journey as a Dad." In this episode you will learn: Time management techniques to help strategically plan your week The six areas he says all dads struggle with and how to address those struggles effectively Self care suggestions