Fatherhood Is Leadership

15: The Evolution of Fatherhood and Entrepreneurship



Joel Louis is the founder of Startup Dad Headquarters (HQ). He's on a mission to help extraordinary fathers of today who want to be fully engaged in every aspect of their children's lives; Fathers who are trying to figure out how to pursue their dreams of entrepreneurship in order to leave a legacy behind. Joel's vision at Startup Dad HQ is to inspire and enable one small business to be launched every single day by fathers around the world. On Fathers Day, 2014 Joel launched Startup Dad HQ, a business interview show / podcast focused on the intersection between The Evolution of Dads and Entrepreneurship. Each interview takes us through the journey of his guest. Startup Dad HQ also features webinars and live interactive workshops with content experts in all areas of Fatherhood and Entrepreneurship. In this episode you will learn: How Joel launched a successful business while raising two young children The Start Up Dad entrepreneurial journey How to create a podcast movement How he's choosing to leave a legacy