#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

When To Ground Yourself



Grounding is VERY important when it comes to your psychic senses and psychic development. What is grounding? It's bringing your spiritual body and physical body back together, allowing them to work in harmony, resulting in you "feeling" more balanced. When you are working with your psychic senses a lot, you are working with your spiritual body as your primary body, but we live in a physical world. So when you are primarily working with your spiritual body, it can cause your physical body to feel: Out of body.Drained.Shakey.Out of balance.Nauseaus. So when grounding is necessary? This can cause confusion with some people who ask, how will I be able to tell? How often should I ground myself? Should I do it daily? Weekly?  I will try and answer all of these questions and more in todays show...When To Ground Yourself!