#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Overcoming The Fear Of Psychic Development



I asked a question to my Higher Purpose Learning group the other day. What were they afraid of when it comes to psychic development? And to my surprise, they had a lot of fears...Frankly, many of them I was actually shocked at! Afraid of what you might wonder? Many different things such as: Losing themselves (one of the top answers).The unknown.Negative spirits.Failing. The reason I asked this question is because I find it fascinating how many people do not even attempt to pursue psychic development (even if it interests them) because of fear. The problem with this is fear will create blocks, and blocks will hinder any kind of spiritual development. But even more importantly, I found that many of their fears were something they shouldn't be afraid of at all. So I decided to address the 9 most common fears that hold people back when it comes to developing their psychic senses. If you are finding that you yourself are fearful, this will be a good show for you :)