#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

When Your Spiritual Body Awakens...



So there is a new energy wave that's flowing through causing people to feel some of these things: *Anxious - about life, where they are at, where they are going. *Moody - feeling a roller coaster of emotions, very emotional. *Depressed - usually tied to feeling "stuck" or in limbo. *Frustrated - can't find their purpose. It's hitting SENSITIVE people really hard right now. I did a post about this on social media, and I got a lot of questions, such as, how long will this last? What do I do in the meantime? That made me realize people think this is a one time thing. But it's not, this is not the first time it's happened and it won't be the last. These waves of energy will continue, some will feel positive and some frustrating. Energy waves have been around for centuries, however, you are just more prone to notice them now more than ever before. To help people understand why they are noticing these waves now, I decided to do a show explaining, what happens when your spiritual body awakens...