#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

How Spiritual Health Affects Your Physical Health



Did you know that your spiritual body and your spiritual health mirror your physical health? In fact, your spirtual health plays a very significant role when dealing with your physical health and how healthy you actually ar. Stressors of everyday life such as, doing things you hate doing on a daily basis, anger, frustration, these things all take a tool on your spritual body first. That's the good thing. Because this is the perfect time to address and define "stressors" in your life before they become a bigger problem. A problem that will take a tolll on both bodies. The bad new is if these "stressors" are not addressed and contiuisly ignored, the toll it takes on your spiritual body will then be transfered to your physical body and manifest into physical symptoms such as: High Blood PressureAnxietyBreathing IssuesStomache IssuesHeart Issues That's just to name a few. Why does this happen? Because this is when people pay attention! This is your bodies last ditch effort to get you to pay attention to what you