#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Channeling & Spirit Communication



Have you ever heard of channeling? Many people have and it causes plenty of confusion. I recieved a question in the Soul Mate Circle the other day from someone asking me, "Channeling....that means a lot of different things to different people. How do *you* define it?" I think this is such a great question! So much so that I decided to dedicate a radio show to this subject. Some things you may or may not know: There are several different types of "channeling".Everyone is capable of channeling in some fashion.Most likely you've done it before and don't realize what it is you are doing.Channeling is receiving information from the spiritual dimension. If you are interested in learning more about channeling, what it is, how you do it, or if you've done it before. Make sure to tune into todays show!