#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Soul Mates, Twin Souls, Twin Flames & Past Life Connections



It’s not uncommon for people to find themselves experiencing a strong connection with someone who they’ve only just met. So much so, that in some instances it can become addictive, or even paralyzing. Not in the physical sense, but in a spiritual aspect. Have you ever met someone who you’ve had an instant connection with?Have you ever met someone only to discover that you feel like you’ve known them forever?Or do you have a relationship in your life you know is not good for you, but somehow this person has an “unexplainable” hold over you?Do you ever wonder if they’re your Soul Mate? Or a past life connection? Is there even a difference? Yes there is. And it doesn’t matter what you do, or who you are, they can leave an imprint on you forever… Join me for a new radio show as I talk more about this subject. I will also clarify the difference between Soul Mates, Twin Souls, and Twin Flames (which most people are confuesed about), as well as taking your calls!