For You Leaders - Business And Leadership Podcast Featuring Kirk Dando

How to discipline a child - Leading through fatherhood, Part Two



Attend several parenting seminars and they will all offer you conflicting advice. Most agree that discipline plays a major role in a child’s development. Today we talk about a controversial topic - discipline. We even discuss spanking. When does it work? When does it not work? We also investigate time-tested methods of how to discipline a child. As you might recall I turned the reigns for the next podcasts to Chip Hanna, my VP of Product and Marketing, while I’m on vacation. He’s going to be a new dad in August. He took my vacation as a chance to interview the dads in his life and learn about the most important leadership position - being a parent.   Today’s Topics Include: - How to handle a crying kid. - The parenting method used and endorsed by two of the dads. - Letting your kids be responsible for their actions. - The role of communication and consequences. - How to ensure your kids know what you expect from you. - Spanking - did “the dads” use it? Did it work? - The two takeaways from “the dads” around d