Drinking At Bible Study

139: Leviticus 5&6/They're Still Mega



In this episode Brandi discusses how difficult it is to make money these days, Joe brings up the Vanity Fair article that says Conan O'Brien is leading the podcast revolution even though podcasts have been a thing for over a decade, and then they discuss gift giving, why kids feel so much sin and rapture anxiety, and what does a sin offering actually mean in Leviticus 5&6. All this and very little else in this week's episode.   Intro 00:00 Fellowship 7:54 Social Media 45:27 Let's Get Falafeling 46:47     Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy