In This League Fantasy Football

Episode 15 - Keeper & Dynasty Ranks And Strategy Show



It is Keeper and Dyntasty talk time here at ITL. The first half of the episode, Bogman and The Welsh discuss the inner workings and differences between keeper leagues and dynasty. There are also some drafting tips in there for first year and future year in these leagues. Starting at about an hour in (if you want to skip a head) that's where the guys discuss their top 100 keepers. Be on the look out for their top 200 list.Follow the guys on Twitter @IsItTheWelsh and @BogmanSportsVisit an pre-order a championship ring for your league today! Get 10% off a ring using the promo code #Champion. Want an even better deal, get 20% off "The Beast" if you pre order in the month of August. Just use the Promo code #ITLRing. Subscribe to the show on iTunes NOW! Please also rate and review us! You want into one of our 8 Satellite ITL Listener Leagues with a chance to play in the championship league next year? Just go on to iTunes or Stitcher and rate and review us. Let us know you did and we'll lock