Restore Radio

Why Worry?



In this episode of Restore Radio, we discuss the seriousness of Anxiety and worry! Worry has corrupted peoples lives for centuries, and we over here at restore have had enough of it! Join us as we look at what Jesus, the Prince of Peace, says about this subject and be encouraged that you don't have to worry about the trials or situations in front of you because our Great Maker truly knows exactly what we need and when we need it!Check out Matthew 6:25 in your reading time and we pray that the words of this sermon touch your life and calm the chaos in your life! May the Lord bless you today and make His face to shine upon you with a glorious light! If this is your first time tuning into this podcast, please subscribe if you enjoyed this episode, and feel free to share this any/everywhere! We want to reach as many people as possible with the Good News of Christ, and your guys' help with that will be impactful! So thank you! After all, sharing is caring! If you have any questions or prayer requests, pl