Restore Radio

A Tristan Michigan Christian Strange story: Interview with Tristan Strange



In this episode of Restore Radio, we meet and hang out with Tristan Strange. A skateboard minister who's been too a lot of places and through a lot of situations, but with his obedience and reliance on the Lord he is able to do what he loves to do through skateboard ministry, and go all across the world to do so! Tune in and find out about the life of Tristan and allow your faith to grow through his testimony. God can and desperately wants to grow all of our faith so that we can be used by Him to minister to everyone around us! Weather its through skateboarding, surfing, cooking or even (some how) knitting. Yes, like a scarf...we don't know that there is or isn't a knitting ministry in this world.. Nevertheless, God wants to use YOU! Plain and simple. Doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done. God loves you, and wants your life. Please listen and be encouraged today! God bless! If any of you have any questions or comments about ministry life, or a calling on your life and how to pursue it, we