Dharma Teachings By Lama Mark Webber

01 Embodying The Dharma



Embodying the Dharma: Key Points to take to Heart in Accomplishing the Path. Lama Mark distills in an evening his heart felt advise, based on traditional pith instructions and his teachers' words, of how to accomplish and not go astray in our practice of the Dharma. From introductory to advanced, for both new and seasoned practitioners to the teaching of Dharma. About this evening's talk, Lama Mark remarks: "If you want to wear and embody Dharma, blazing Awakeness which is incomparably vast, inseparably merged with compassion for liberating all life forms -- then there are steps and stages of the Path that have been followed for thousands of years and are still required by us as Westerners -- they can't be ignored. Then profound learning occurs, not just meditation experiences. Finding lucid devotion to Dharma is an essential point. This is beautiful, radiant and compassionate for everyone. It is essential and it works."