Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen

Episode 34 - How 'One Day' Is Ruining Your Life And What To Do About It



'One day things will be different.  Once _______ happens.'  Have you ever said this to yourself?  Are you subconsciously thinking that thought in any area of your life right now?  I remember my first car well. It was a light metallic blue 1989 Ford Taurus. It was 5 years old at the time but it was in excellent condition. And yes, my parents bought it for me when I was a junior in College. I had wanted my own car since I first rode in my dad’s 1969 split top, fastback, Corvette Stingray when I was 6. Now owning my own car, I thought my life was complete. I was a year away from graduating college and joining the real world and I had a car to take me wherever I wanted to go. Then this funny thing happened. When I drove back to Boston from Northwestern Pennsylvania I began to see every other car on the road that was better than mine. This feeling that I wasn’t enough began to creep in and I knew how to handle that. I immediately began