Women Seeking Wholeness

016: Exploring the World of Presence, Truth & Mystery w/Nithya Shanti



Nithya Shanti - internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher from India - has personally mentored me through some of my most intense life experiences! He’s a former Buddhist Monk and Ambassador of Conscious Living, who also holds an MBA. When I first met him about 6 years ago, I was struck with his very joyful countenance and peaceful way of being.  You will love his depth of wisdom and his amazing insight! One of his favorite things to say - in pretty much ANY circumstance- is, “How Wonderful.” In this episode: What is “Spiritual Bypassing”? What are the 3 Levels of Truth? How do we become as a “Serene Lake” in a stressful world? He even addresses the age-old question from every truth seeker, of every faith tradition, “WHERE IS GOD?”  (particularly in times of acute trauma, loss or abuse). Here’s a truth bomb Nithya recently shared with me: “If I accept the fact that my relationships are here to make me conscious, instead of happy, then my relationships become a wonderful SELF MASTERY TOOL that keeps re-ali