Women Seeking Wholeness

005: What is Psycho-Aromacology? Exploring the Science of Essential Oils & Emotion w/ Danielle Daniel



Danielle Daniel has always had a passion for the medical and academic field. A Doctor of Clinical Psychology student with a Masters in Social Work, Danielle is interested in trauma, grief counseling, and psychology. So when she was able to make the connection between brain function and aromatherapy tools, she felt compelled to share what she had learned with others. Today she is combining the powers medical aromatherapy, essential oils, psychotherapy in calculated scientific approaches to help her patients heal like never before. If you have ever been curious about the power of essential oils and their benefits to your body functions but are unsure of where to start, Danielle is here for you. Today she explains exactly how aroma impacts your neurological transmitters, which areas of your life essential oils can help improve, and her top five essential oils for brain health, plus much more. Danielle combines nutrition, essential oils, talk therapy, environment, and mindset for a holistic approach to emotional