Women Seeking Wholeness

002: My Family's Story: Breaking Patterns of Mental Illness (A Discussion with My Sisters ) Pt 2



Continuing to explore our undercurrent of sadness, we are diving into our own personal viewpoints of suicide, why we believe Shawna’s decision was spontaneous and using the resources we have available now to prevent this from happening again. We are digging into why the gut may play a bigger role in depression than we realize, why prescription medications were a fogging agent in Shawna’s decision, and how we viewed her act of suicide as a catalyst for our lives now, plus much more. Being messy is a part of life, and we are here to inspire you to choose freedom and your own path in life. By getting out of the hopelessness and listening to clues from the universe, you can boldly step into a different path and stop living your life on autopilot. We can never know what is going on inside someone else's mind. But by creating a space of open communication, transparency, and love, we can use the tools available to us to prevent suicide and stop this pattern in its tracks. Have you been personally impacted by suicide