Faith Angle

Shadi Hamid and Sarah Wildman: Theology and Politics of Islam



We're joined this week by Dr. Shadi Hamid and Sarah Wildman to discuss the resurgent role of global Islam, the relationship between nationalist populism and Muslims, Sharia law in the Middle East, the role of religion in Western democracies, and the enduring question of how deep religious convictions can align with more lasting expressions of public pluralism   Links from today's episode: Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World, Shadi Hamid, 6/6/17 The role of Islam in European populism: How refugee flows and fear of Muslims drive right-wing support, Shadi Hamid, Brookings, 2/19 Islam in Modern American Society, Shadi Hamid's 2018 address at Faith Angle Religious Conflict and the Future of the Middle East - Shadi Hamid's 2014 address at Faith Angle First Person, Foreign Policy podcast hosted by Sarah Wildman, with Shadi Hamid, on Mohamed Morsi and the Passing of Egypt's Democratic Moment, 6/21/19 Left Populism and the Rediscovery of Agonistic Politics, Shadi Hamid, American