Q&q With Alex Talcott

Julian Castro, Jay Inslee: state (university) and church



Topics, mentions:  Davy Crockett, Joaquin Castro, goals, veteran homelessness, sustainability, Supreme Court (number of Justices), filibuster, opioid (other drug decriminalization, legalization, medical treatment, addiction), marijuana, employment and wages, universal pre-K, Texas, local lawmaking, taxation, urban and community development, residential and commercial rents Nevada and Denver, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, Beto O'Rourke, Austin, FDR and JFK, Unitarian Universalist, Ted Kennedy, fact-checker God, climate change, grandchildren, California wildfires (forest fires), air pollution, Houston floods, Miami Florida, IPCC, The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells, economy and industries, Iowa, battery