Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Handle Your Triggers and Get Back Upstairs!



LESSON FIVEHandle Your Triggers and Get Back Upstairs!I AM Source Code for spiritual awakening and empowered living!!Master Class-I hope you’re starting to feel something stirring in you as you continue to work with your I AM mantra. In today’s lesson…. We will learn to Handle Your Triggers and Get Back Upstairs! Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Living at higher levels of consciousness is primary to manifesting a higher level of life. In this session you will be given three tools to quickly process old triggers and move upstairs where you have the capacity to create something new.www.drjanettefreeman.comwww.onenessonline.orgwww.soulsoup.onlineDONATIONS TO THE ONENESS CENTER: