Rapp Report

Qualifications of Church Leaders



Andrew goes over the qualifications of church leaders. Get the quick reference chart for quick reference: https://strivingforeternity.org/product/qualifications-church-leaders Rapp Report Daily 0060 I.              Blameless (1 Timothy 3:2, 10; Titus 1:7) Repeated three times Required for both elders and servants (implied to female servants) It literally means, “that cannot be laid hold of” and sometimes translated “above reproach”.  This is a must.  It has the idea of “unrebukeable”.  This does not mean the man must be perfect, for then no one could ever be qualified.  It has to do with the idea of not having anything that could be nailed to someone, in other words, nothing that they are covering up.  The man must reconcile things and not cover them up. Examples: Elder arrested for drunk driving and stopped down for “personal sin” the man was not qualified until the sin was named.  Another example was an elder that had a daughter that had a child out of wedlock and wanted to hide her away until after th