Horse Wise

Where to start with your horse? Three simple areas to focus on (without fancy bits, astrology signs or complex training methods).



Confused about what to do with your horse next? I focus on certain core fundamentals — none of which involve fancy bits, complicated training methods or “woo woo” magic. They are discipline neutral and can be applied to any breed of horse. They aren’t even my own patented technique or anything silly like that (I promise you, I will never be selling monogrammed halters or specially designed magic wands).  These are simple tools to learn how to 1) train your eye to see key elements of your horse’s behavior and movement; 2) develop your analytical and assessment skills (to accurately interpet what your eye sees ) and 3) physically direct your horse in exercises that build his confidence and balance (via equine biomechanics principles). At Horse Wise, I teach people these tools so that they can learn how to coach themselves and their horses to progress together as a team. It’s a fun process that shows you how build a good partnership with your horse (in a practical, straightforward way). But my schedule for