Greetings From Allentown

137. NWA Power Hour 01-26-1990



Sting joins forces with fellow Horsemen Ric Flair and Arn Anderson for a red hot six man tag on the January 26, 1990 edition of NWA Power(rrrrrrrrrrrrr) Hour - The eastern Tennessee crowd goes crazy for the short-lived incarnation of the Four Horsemen - Jim Cornette cracks on the taping site, which would change the course of wrestling history - Buzz Sawyer breaks the powerslam scale - Jim Cornette pitches an angle for Ranger Ross, while Jim Ross picks on the Italian Stallion - Terry Funk offers Sting some advice - Diminishing returns from the Samoan Savage - The mostly forgotten rap for WrestleWar ‘90 - Gordon Solie takes a dump on the Memphis territory Plus: - Weddings with accidental visits from mariachis - The story of a man named Savage (not Randy) - How the booking of Bud Bowls are kind of like recent vintage WWE - Reflecting on a big week in current wrestling - Positing an idea for a new Funk’s Grill set - Vinnie Vegas Corner for NFL week 6! - The return of YouTube Comment Theater! Email: Greetings