Marooned! On Mars With Matt And Hilary

The Martians 15-21: Perspective, Words, Surfing, and Science



Again we have some technical issues, which we’ve done our best to ameliorate in post-production. For the first hour and twenty minutes or so Matt might sound not-great. Thank you for bearing with us! We talk about Bernie Sanders for a bit and wish him well, self-identifying as proud identity cultists, hopefully not alienating some of our listeners. For your convenience, here are some pointers to when we start talking about which stories in this extra-long episode of Marooned on Mars! 12:30 — We finally start talking about something else besides the world sucking, namely, The Martians by Kim Stanley Robinson. Start by going back a bit to the Michel in Provence chapter. 22:30 — Jackie on Zo Extremely touching story about Jackie’s relationship to her daughter, with a very sad ending. 43:00 — Keeping the Flame (Nirgal) Comparing Hiroko and Phyllis, their legacies, cults or practices of remembrance around them. 1:04:00 — Saving Noctis Dam Pseudo-Nadia story about saving a town from a hurricane with plywood - work