Church Planter Starter Kit

07: Should Church Planters Blog?



So Many Church Planters Ask Me This Question… “Should I have a blog?” It comes up every time I’m working with a church planter or pastor on their website. In the past, my go-to answer was “No!” But I’ve done a hard 180º. In today’s episode I’ll answers this question. You’ll see how blogging fits into our strategy of you being a great digital missionary with the gospel. This episode unpacks 3 juicy reasons I now say “Yes!” to you blogging. Once you hear them, I’m betting you’ll agree. But don’ freak out. I’ll help you with the “how-to” around blogging in the next episode. Today, we start with why. Grab Your Free Resource for help nailing down the focus for your blog. You’ll get great questions to help you narrow-in on a subject. And you’ll see how to leverage your subject as a digital missionary for the gospel.