Church Planter Starter Kit

04: 3 Choices You Must Make For Your Church Website & Brand



Today’s episode covers the 3rd Missional Marketing Maxim. My goal is to transform the way you view your church website and brand. Instead of cringing, I want you to imagine your website and brand as a POWERFUL digital missionary. 3 Choices You Must Make About Your Church Website and Brand You’ve got a million decisions to make as a church planter. I’ve got good news and bad news when it comes to your decision about your website and brand. First, The Bad News… You have to make a decision about your church website and brand. There’s no neutral. No pause button. No ‘phone a friend’ escape. The Good News…There are only 3 options. You will do one of these three things, guaranteed. Discover what the 3 are so you can make use of the powerful missionary potential of your website. Grab Today’s Free Resource Get help turning your website and brand into a digital missionary. Leave a review on iTunes and I'll give you and your church a shoutout!