Clay Nelson Life Balance Podcast

Acknowledging and Appreciating Others



We all have people and things in our lives that we can be appreciative of. But when was the last time you took a minute to express your appreciation spontaneously and personally to another? It's easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of our daily routines and forget to acknowledge those who contribute to our lives - our spouse, our loved ones, the kids, a co-worker or friend, the clerk at the grocery store. But don't wait til later or assume they know you're grateful even though you may not have expressed it. Instead, give your thanks while in the moment. It's a great way to help make someone else's day, and doesn't cost you anything! The added benefit is that the more you openly express your appreciation, the more happiness that will come back to you, too! And keep in mind, the exact opposite can be true too! When we fail to show our appreciation for even the "smallest" things, we risk making others feel that their contributions and actions are being taken for granted, and eventually those around us will sto