Where Brains Meet Beauty

WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ | Bart Kaczanowicz, Founder of OMGBart.com: From Poland to Southern California to New York…Finally Finding His Calling



If there’s one overarching message or pattern from our incredible array of WBMB guests—and one piece of advice for our listeners—it’s that you never know where your path will lead and you don’t have to panic if where you are at the moment is not your goal. Our guest Bart Kaczanowicz, founder and influencer-in-chief of the skincare blog OMGBart.com is a perfect example of this “you never know” approach to work and to life. Born in Poland, studying in California, translating in Brooklyn and with other way stations en route, it took Bart years to discover his passion and talent for curating skincare products.Today his wildly popular blog is trusted by brands and fans for his authentic, no BS evaluations of high-end products. In this episode, Bart shares his story of finding, then following his bliss. Make sure to join us to hear all the details in his own words.   #wherebrainsmeetbeauty @wherebrainsmeetbeautypodcast wherebrainsmeetbeauty.com