Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Creating ‘Cosmic Crystals’: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at My New Book



I'm so excited to introduce my new book, called "Cosmic Crystals: Rituals and Meditations for Connecting with Lunar Energy." This is my fifth or sixth book... I've kind of lost count by now! It's my second book being published with a large publisher. My other books before that were self-published.   So my first book was "Crystals for Energy Healing" and this book, "Cosmic Crystals", is quite different. My first book was really more of a guide book or reference book to a hundred different crystals and their healing properties. It also included some more introductory information and how to use crystals for grids, elixirs, meditations, and crystal layouts. My latest book, on the other hand, was born out of my personal work with crystals and the moon. So for me, I started working pretty intensely with the energy of the moon a few years ago. I've always felt so connected and so drawn to the moon and working with lunar energy, but this was intensified when I went through a pretty serious illness and I had to have