Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Getting a refund at the store



Hey, you guys. Hoje eu conto a confusão que aconteceu numa loja aqui na hora de buscar os pedidos que fiz pela Internet. Enjoy... Transcrição Hey, you guys. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast, and today I'll tell you about a mix-up at the store where I was supposed to collect my online orders. So this is obviously our last episode of 2016 (two thousand sixteen) and I wanted you to hear about something that happened to me in the past couple of weeks. It's nothing really out of the ordinary - not that it should happen all the time, hopefully it won't. But it can happen to anyone, though, and it's a bit of a departure from our usual content about shopping, which is usually, you know "How much is it?", "Here's your change" and so on. Here's what happened: there's a store chain here in the UK called Wilko. I guess in Brazil the closest thing to Wilko would be Lojas Americanas. So, it was the second week of December and I realised I needed some cleaning wipes for my cell phone.