Adelaide Real - A Guide To Getting Your Fit Together.

Andrew Taylor - From deep depression to Spudfit



In 2015 at 35 years old Andrew Taylor was morbidly obese, on the precipice of a host of physical health problems and plagued by clinical anxiety and depression. He could see no way to end the cycle of dieting and binge eating that he had been stuck in since he was a child. He was ready to give up on himself entirely.In one of Andrew's darkest moments he discovered his own unique, healthy and nutritious solution, he lost 55 kilograms (120 pounds) and turned his mental and physical health around. But more importantly, because he treated the root cause of his problem and not just the symptoms, he has changed his relationship with food forever. Andrew has now helped thousands of other people through his Spud Fit programe to use the principles he learned to change their lives too.Andrew Taylor & Spud Fit can be found here:Website Real can be found here:FaceBook